Sunday, May 14, 2006

May 14

Doug Hayes, Olive Street - Valerio/Olive Ave. Another: Laguna - Arrellaga & Valerio. Dan Secord: Micheltorena - Santa Barbara & Anacapa

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Contact the Candidates — 2nd District Supe

If you don't like seeing their illegally-placed signs, let them know! Here are their web sites and addresses from those web sites:

Joe Guzzardi

Dan Secord

Das Williams

Janet Wolf

May 9

Williams: Laguna, between Islay and Valerio reported;
Wolf: Olive and Olive Lane reported

Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 4

Guzzardi: Garden/Mission
Secord: Garden/Junipero, signs on both sides of the street reported
Williams: west side of Arrellaga just before freeway entrance reported

May 2

Anderson: Las Positas;
Arnoldi: Las Positas; also Constance/Garden;
Guzzardi: several at Las Positas, Chapala/Quinto, Constance;
Thomas: State and Pueblo;
Wolf: Chapala/Padre and Constance area, 3 or 4 signs.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Sprouting on Garden, Las Positas, Carrillo

Illegally-placed signs are flourishing, sprouting on Garden Street (Guzzardi, Secord); on State/Pueblo (Thomas); Chapala/Pueblo (Wolf); Las Positas (Anderson, Arnoldi, Guzzardi); on West Carrillo, several questionable sign placements. Pictures to follow.

Hurrah for Barney! In today's News-Press, he wrote: " Campaign signs: Here we go again. With the 2nd District supervisorial campaign going hot and heavy, I'm getting complaints of (1) Illegal signs all over the place and (2) stolen signs. Maybe it's the illegal signs -- placed on public property like freeway ramps -- that are being removed. How about the candidates -- people who want to be public servants -- getting the word to their campaign workers about what's legal and what's not?"

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

May, 2006 and we're back

Soon we'll be up and running with new notices on campaign signage, complete with pictures.

One would think that aspirants to be county lawmkers, seekers of the 2nd District seat on the Board of Supervisors, and, especially, candidates to be law enforcers, Sheriff of Santa Barbara, would obey the city sign laws. One would think. Some do, some don't.

Candidates: Here's the link to the Santa Barbara city: municipal code sections

So far, the biggest signage scofflaw is Joe Guzzardi. For a while he had that honor (?) all to himself, but Janet Wolf increasingly is a close second. As for the sheriff candidates: "Butch" Arnoldi leads in most illegally-placed signs seen, as well as the largest signs, all on private property, aesthetic blights, insist some blog reporters.

This blog does not yet have the addresses of the candidates; until then the only notices of wrongly-placed signs will be posted on this site.