Tuesday, November 08, 2005

THE DAY BEFORE, illegal signs newly reported

Iya Falcone (ifalcone@ci.santa-barbara.ca.us) at Hidden Valley, Calabria Drive (?) and other illegal Falcone signs reported here and to the candidate's address remain in place;

Roger Horton
(rhorton@ci.santa-barbara.ca.us) at State near Constance - previously reported with the Loretta Redd sign, moved to private property;
Update, 11/8: Horton sign removed, but also so was the legally-placed Redd one. We've heard many reports of sign theft....

and 1107 Portesuello

Grant House
(grant@granthouse.us) Hidden Valley (? - the reporter wasn't certain of the exact street location);

Charles/Carlos Quintero
(no e-mail address) de la Guerra and Bath and other illegal Quintero signs reported here remain in place;

There are many illegally-placed NO on 75 signs throughout town. A correspondent wrote, "There are a large amount of signs that say: Fireman for No on 75. There are a good number of these signs on Las Positas, Cliff Dr. on the Wilcox property and on Meigs Rd and Carrillo. Pat McElroy, fire captain, former head of the fire union at 563-0420 should be able to deal with this." Another correspondent did call the fire department about this, reporting "'Firefighters Say No On 75' sign on the strip of public land between Meigs Road and Washington Elementary School, across from La Mesa Park."

In addition, many illegally-placed California Teachers Association signs are around town. What a lesson to the populace: the police union, the firemen, the teachers association, all thumbing their noses at the City Sign Ordinances. (Thanks to Loretta Redd, however, working with Mike McGrew on the issue, the police union signs have come down.)

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