Sunday, November 06, 2005

Less than 2 days to go and more Illegal signs

E-mailed by several correspondents:

Several Iya Falcone signs, illegally-placed at 23 Chase Drive and at San Rafael near Santa Rita. Update, 11/7: signs remain.

PUEBLO sign illegally-placed at Micheltorena and Bath. Update 11/7: sign remains.

Terry Tyler sign stays on the public parkway at Mission/Anacapa area.Such seeming nose-thumbing at a long-standing city ordinance says something about the "citizen candidate," it seems to these also citizens who're associated with this blog.

Dianne Channing illegally-posted sign at 100-200 W. Sola. Update, 11/6, from Dianne Channing, "Thanks for the info. It will be gone by tomorrow morning!" and on Monday, the sign was gone.

Loretta Redd and Roger Horton signs sharing a public parkway (and adjacent lots) on State near Constance. Update, 11/7: Loretta Redd signed moved off the public parkway to the hedge.

All around town are illegally-placed California Teachers Association signs urging NO on 74,75, 76 or just 75, by the Firefighters; two photos were sent in today, de la Vina/Micheltorena and Canon Perdido/de la Vina; one Yes on the propositions at Las Positas and Modoc was seen, sign ownership unknown.

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